
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2017

The Trappist system

On 23 February NASA discovered new star system. Astronomers called it Trappist-1. Trappist isn't normal system, because probably it will be our next home.  In this system there are seven planets called in next letters of the alphabet: b, c, d, e, f, g, h, because that how are call new planets by scientists. The star Trappist is very small, it's only a bit bigger than the Jupiter. But only three planets are in biosphere where life can exist.   The main problem of colonisation is distance - the Trappist is 39 light-years away from the Earth. Scientists predicted also big radiation from  the star, so living there will be very hard. Fortunately all planets have size close to our planet and force of gravity isn't too strong there.  Vision of new home is of course very exaggerared and it won't be main direction of NASA's researches, but we will still observate our sky looking for the New Earth.