
Wyświetlanie postów z czerwiec, 2018

What do we learn about modern society from "The Joneses"?

If the film wanted to show us Larry as a typical, american, upper-class man I found modern society from film full of mentally weak persons who can't take responsibility for their lives. If it's true it's very sad for me that  people don't know how to make ractional decisions. Luckly I don't belive that looks american society. I still see the richest as a responsible entreprenuers, motors of the world, people that can't be killed by adverts. Not like Larry

Would you consider going vegan?

I love meat. I can't become vegan. It will be also hard for me to eat healthly without meat. Then I should eat a lot of beans or something like it. Some people can say that I should be vegan, because otherwise I kill animals. It's not that I don't care about animals. I always, for example, buy eggs with number 0 or 1, never 3, but  I wouldn't stop eating meat for cows or pigs.