
Wyświetlanie postów z kwiecień, 2018

What does it mean to be a real men in today's world ?

In my opinion real western men should be educated person with ambicious goals in life and his own passion. He can't has authorities except the biggest one - him. I think about people like entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors etc. He should be true "Atlas" of Occident.

Would you like to spend a week in the Mandarin Oriental ?

It's beautiful place, but I wouldn't want to stay there for more than 2 days. I realy hate holidays in hotel or other places where you can't do anything except resting. I can't stay in seaside longer than day maybe two. It's very boring for me. Secondly, night in this hotel costs 600$. For me there are more important things I can buy for this price. For example 60 new "Libertarian Manifesto's".

Is the fact that things last much shorter nowadays really so bad ?

A lot of people say that it's bad we must buy new washer after few years of using it. They say that in 20 th century when somone bought any device it works even today. It's of course true, but then washers or cars  were much more expensive. For me it's great that we earn so much money that we can buy a lot of things even they will work for shorter period.

Why do people believe in supernatural things like magic, astrology, ghosts if they have science ?

First of all there are issues in our life which we can't explain with logic or science. For example philosophy or religion. And of course to understand realistic problems we can't use religion instead of science. Everyone with true human reason wants to know what he is doing here and what is next, wants to have aims in life and not only "live and eat". These things can't be explained by science. That's why people belive in, for example, God or magic and astrology in poor man's version.