Life in Scandinavia

Recently I compared two countries where I have been: Norway and Iceland. In many ways they look similar - two high developed countries. People earn a lot oj money, there is no famine, poverty is on very low level.
 However I observed that life of ordinary people is different. In Norway people's behaviour seems like artificial and they look like would be sad. Everything is very clean, there are no one on the streets after 7 p.m and it looks good, but unnatural. In Iceland situation is opposite. Streets are full of Icelanders they are singing and even I was invited few times for party. It can be cultural differences, but in Norway there are much more bans and life is more controled by goverment. Maybe it's the reason of Norwegians' unhappiness.


  1. In recent surveys Norwegians come up as one of the happiest societies in the world. So maybe your impression was influened by some unknown factors, like the World Cup, which Icelanders understandably celebrated?

  2. It is very interesting I never thought that such similar looking countries would be so different in cultural behaviour.


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