Why are alt-right becoming more and more popular?

Quickly growing radical movement with charismatic leader, radical opinions very simple to understand - such a situation happened a lot of times in our history. Usually they were caused by common thing - too many and too big changes in politics, economy or culture. For example very authoritarian order in Russia was beginning of November Revolution. It was respond of people for rule of tsar. Fact that NSDAP won elections and national opinions were raising in German society are consequences of too much intervention in German politics after First World War. If politics is not balanced people's opinions are changing in opposite direction, so for me popularity of alt-right is effect of statism or socialism in modern economy. And appeal to tradition values in these movements is society's reaction for too many artificial changes in our culture made by governments in last years.


  1. I wonder what you mean by artificial changes in the culture. Are you implying women should not be allowed to vote and children could be beaten to death by their parents without any consequences? Or that the working day should still be 10 hours long and you should be going to school on Saturdays (like I did)?
    If culture didn't change we would still be living in the horrible world where, unless you were born into an aristocratic or wealthy family, you worked all your life, lived in appaling conditions and died of malnutrition. You would be working your ass off in a factory instead of going to school. I would probably be dead by now, having given birth to a dozen kids because, culturally, that would have been my duty. And birth control wouldn't be allowed.
    This is not the world I miss much to be honest.

  2. What revolution in Russia are you referring to? The October Revolution, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution?

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa_cVNyqzz0

  4. Bardzo ważne : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45cOYdL6SPY


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