How big are stars?

The universe is so big that we can't imagine it. Even with objects like stars and planets will be hard. But with a few examples of the biggest stars I will show you how the Earth is small.
  We usualy see models of the solar system with sun two or three times bigger than planets. Truth is quite different. Volume of our star is 1,3 millions times bigger than volume of the Earth!
  Do you think now the Sun is big? Is it big compare with the Rigel? Does Rigel is big compare with the Betelguese or Antares? This is moment when we can't understand scale of the universe.
  It's not the end of star gigants. The biggest stars in the universe is UY Scuti and Canis Majoris. For example when the Sun would has 20 centimeters the UY Scuti would has 20 kilometers.
In the universe is few sizes can shock us like the biggest galaxy, but for me difference between Sun and the Earth is enough.  


  1. It's all very very interesting.I'm waiting for your next posts.Pay attention to definite articles: the sun, the truth etc . and word order in a sentence.Keep up good work .


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