The Crab Mystery

  In ancient China astronomers observed big star. There weren't any stars before. An intersting thing in this object was size. It was very big. But after two months the star mysterously vanished.
  Few century later in this place in the sky european astronomers found out, using the biggest telescope in the world, very young mebla. They called it "The Crab Nebula". After fifty years astrophysicists took all photos of the Crab and after analize they calculated the nebula is getting bigger and bigger very fast.
  Next researches, made with radiotelescope, showed that Crab emitate lot of radiation.
  After 30 years were found out pulsars - big neutron stars. Pulsars born in supernovas and also emitate radiation.
  Astronomers connected this all facts and described Crab as nebula with pulsar inside made from supernova.
  This history shows how scientists works together despite different times and places in the world.


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