Why do we need natural sciences?

We have only our eyes and dark sky with stars, but we know how big is our galaxy and even how fast the universe expands. We also know what happened 10 billions years ago, of what Mercury's atmosphere consists and we calculated when the sun will become a white dwarf . We know it just from looking for shining points on the sky.

Different occurrences in the universe are subject of the oldest one natural science in the history - astronomy. This name is made from two grecian words:"astron" - star and "nomos" - law. The aim of this science is find out about laws rules in the universe by...observing sky.
With astronomy and of course physics we can simply describe world around us. Do we need information about velocity of the Andromenda's galaxy? I think it isn't very important. But with better knowledge about the universe we will know why we are here.


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