

Since US Congress created FED giving it ability to emiting money without gold reserve economy of our countries struggles with periodical recessions. First of them was obviously Great Depression which was very unexpected. I've watched film from "The Economist" about this topic and although now is better access to informations financial system is more complicated than in the past. The advise is to cooperate with other countries in preparing to next depression. However, it will be hard with strongly polarized politics nowadays. downturn,   Our budget isn't prepared for such a sudden downturn jittery,   The recession started innocently with making flat market a bit jittery intrest rates, NBP increased intrest rates recently, so it's much more expensive to get the credit


There was a young cracovian skinhead Then an antifa member so red He met some girls He grew his hairs Now he is a polish teacher, not bad

Why are alt-right becoming more and more popular?

Quickly growing radical movement with charismatic leader, radical opinions very simple to understand - such a situation happened a lot of times in our history. Usually they were caused by common thing - too many and too big changes in politics, economy or culture. For example very authoritarian order in Russia was beginning of November Revolution. It was respond of people for rule of tsar. Fact that NSDAP won elections and national opinions were raising in German society are consequences of too much intervention in German politics after First World War. If politics is not balanced people's opinions are changing in opposite direction, so for me popularity of alt-right is effect of statism or socialism in modern economy. And appeal to tradition values in these movements is society's reaction for too many artificial changes in our culture made by governments in last years.

Changes in our society

In last week my scout told me that he won elections for the chairman of school self-government. He said that he succeeded it only, because he promised to change grey toilet paper to white, perfumed and soft. That showed me terrible truth about youth people - they lost values of our civilization. They chose hedonism instead of working on strong character and inner power. Fortunately, little Klemens and other scouts will go with me on scout camp and they will find out that real happiness is possible only when there is also suffering and not having perfumed toilet paper.

Weather forecasts

I was using several weather forecasts. Some of them from internet, some from TV. They are quite good - people predict weather well enough. Of course, sometimes happen mistakes. Everyone experienced it - you are planning a trip, wheather forecasts are good, but then it's rainy. Recently I found out about weather predictions made by ICM( Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Modelowania UW). They are different from tradicional forecasts, because they are made with calculated data from sensors in whole Europe. Since months ago I have not be confused by this weather. It shows that over time much more occupations are substituted by machines and computers. And these do their work better.

Life in Scandinavia

Recently I compared two countries where I have been: Norway and Iceland. In many ways they look similar - two high developed countries. People earn a lot oj money, there is no famine, poverty is on very low level.  However I observed that life of ordinary people is different. In Norway people's behaviour seems like artificial and they look like would be sad. Everything is very clean, there are no one on the streets after 7 p.m and it looks good, but unnatural. In Iceland situation is opposite. Streets are full of Icelanders they are singing and even I was invited few times for party. It can be cultural differences, but in Norway there are much more bans and life is more controled by goverment. Maybe it's the reason of Norwegians' unhappiness.

What do we learn about modern society from "The Joneses"?

If the film wanted to show us Larry as a typical, american, upper-class man I found modern society from film full of mentally weak persons who can't take responsibility for their lives. If it's true it's very sad for me that  people don't know how to make ractional decisions. Luckly I don't belive that looks american society. I still see the richest as a responsible entreprenuers, motors of the world, people that can't be killed by adverts. Not like Larry