Weather forecasts

I was using several weather forecasts. Some of them from internet, some from TV. They are quite good - people predict weather well enough. Of course, sometimes happen mistakes. Everyone experienced it - you are planning a trip, wheather forecasts are good, but then it's rainy.
Recently I found out about weather predictions made by ICM(Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Modelowania UW). They are different from tradicional forecasts, because they are made with calculated data from sensors in whole Europe. Since months ago I have not be confused by this weather. It shows that over time much more occupations are substituted by machines and computers. And these do their work better.


  1. Except for one sentence about machines being more efficient than people, there isn't much reflection here

  2. I also use ICM forecast and it usually don't let me down. But also one of the best forecast is YR which is a little more advanced and offers you some interesting statistics and weather maps.


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